

Designed for the reinforced plastic market and its various applications such as laminates in general, bodyworks, cultured marble, polymer concrete, buttons, translucent laminate, among other articles reinforced with fiberglass applied with spray or manual systems and catalyzed according to specification. Diseñados para el mercado de plástico reforzado y sus diversas aplicaciones como laminados en general, tractopartes, mármol sintético, concreto polimérico, botones, lamina traslucida entre otros artículos reforzados con fibra de vidrio aplicados con sistemas de aspersión o manual y catalizados según especificación.


Unsaturated, hybrid, pre-accelerated polyester resins, fast release cycles, outstanding mechanical strength, excellent wetting of mineral fillers and fiberglass. They are recommended in the manufacture of polymeric concrete boxes and lids.


It is an unsaturated polyester resins, hybrid, fast release cycles and low viscosity.They are recommended in the manufacture of polymeric concrete boxes and lids.


Promoted Isophthalic Unsaturated Polyester Resin with excellent mechanical properties, manufactured with materials compliant with the FDA 21 CFR 175.330 norm. Developed for fuel tank manufacturing (Hand lay-up and spray-up processes) and mold manufacturing


Unsaturated, isophthalic, pre-accelerated, thixotropic polyester resin, outstanding fibergalss wetting, complies with FDA regulation 21 CFR 177 2420. It is used in the manufacture of tractor parts, where manual or spray molding processes are used.


They are unsaturated, isophthalic, pre-accelerated, thixotropic polyester resins, outstanding fiberglass wtting, comply with UL 94 HB and FMVSS 302 standars. It is used for the manufacture of tractor parts, where manual or spray molding processes are used.


It is an unsaturated, isophthalic, non preaccelerated and non thixotropic polyester resin.It is formulated for the manufactured of fiberglass reinforced parts, where manual or spray molding processes are used.


Orthophthalic resins, pre-accelerated, high vicosity, good wtting of mineral loads, low color in the final pice. It is used in the manufacture of sinks, plates, walls and bathtubs,where manual processes are used.


Orthophthalic resins, pre-accelerated, high vicosity, good wtting of mineral loads, low color in the final pice. It is used in the manufacture of sinks, plates, walls and bathtubs,where manual processes are used.


Unsaturated polyester, orthophthalic, low viscosity, good wetting to mineral loads, pink color in liquid, low color in final piece. It is used in the manufacture of sinks, plates, walls and bathtubs, where manual processes are used.


Unsaturated polyester resins, hybrids, pre accelerated, low viscosity, demolding cycles moderately long, outstanding wetting to mineral loads. Recommended for the manufacture of sinks, plates, walls and bathtubs, where manual processes are used.


They are unsaturated, hybrid, pre accelerated polyester resins, low viscosity, outstanding wetting to mineral loads and fast release cycles. Formulated for the manufacture of sinks and plates in series, where automated processes are used (special equipament to heat the resin and mix the loads).


They are unsaturated, hybrid, pre accelerated polyester resins, low viscosity, outstanding wetting to mineral loads and fast release cycles. Formulated for the manufacture of sinks and plates in series, where automated processes are used (special equipament to heat the resin and mix the loads).


They are unsaturated, orthophthalic, pre-accelerated polyester resin, resistance to yellowing, good hardness development. Formulated for the manufacture of translucet sheet by continuous process.

PPT – 4015

They are unsaturated, hybrid, preaccelerated, thixotropic polyester resins, with no residual stickiness, good wetting to fiberglass, and good mechanical properties. They are used for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforced parts, where manual or spray molding processes are used.

PPT – 4032

They are unsaturated, hybrid, preaccelerated, thixotropic polyester resins, with no residual stickiness, good wetting to fiberglass, and good mechanical properties. They are used for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforced parts, where manual or spray molding processes are used.

PPT – 585

Unsaturated, hybrid, pre-accelerated, thixotropic polyester resins, no residual tack, rapid hardness development, good wetting to fiberglass. They are used for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforced parts, where manual or spray molding processes are used.

PPT – 5857

Unsaturated polyester, orthophthalic, preaccelerated, thixotropic, moderate residual tack release, excellent storage stability, good wetting to fiberglass. They are used for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforced parts, where manual or spray molding processes are used, and for the re-packaging of liters, gallons, buckets, etc.

PPT – 607

Unsaturated, hybrid, pre-accelerated, thixotropic polyester resins, no residual tack, rapid hardness development, good wetting to fiberglass. They are used for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforced parts, where manual or spray molding processes are used.


Unsaturated polyesters, modified terephthalics, preaccelerated, thixotropic, good mechanical properties, moderate residual tack release, comply with FMVSS 302 standard. They are used for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforced parts, where manual or spray molding processes are used.


It is an unsaturated, orthophthalic, preaccelerated polyester resin, low viscosity, good wetting to mineral loads, good sanding properties. Formulated for the manufacture of automotive filler.


Unsaturated, orthophthalic, preaccelerated polyester resins, bleed-free, outstanding wetting to mineral fillers, excellent sanding properties. It is used for the manufacture of automotive filler.


Unsaturated, orthophthalic, preaccelerated polyester resins, bleed-free, outstanding wetting to mineral fillers, excellent sanding properties. It is used for the manufacture of automotive filler.


Unsaturated polyester, orthophthalic, preaccelerated, lower styrene monomer emission, bleed free, outstanding wetting to mineral fillers, excellent sanding properties. Recommended for the manufacture of automotive filler.


Unsaturated polyester, orthophthalic, preaccelerated, lower styrene monomer emission, bleed free, outstanding wetting to mineral fillers, excellent sanding properties. Recommended for the manufacture of automotive filler.


They are unsaturated, isophthalic, preaccelerated, non-thixotropic polyester resins, low viscosity, excellent wetting of mineral fillers and fiberglass, fast release cycles, excellent mechanical properties. Formulated for the manufacture of tractor parts, where closed molding processes (RTM or RTM Light) are used.


Unsaturated polyester resin, modified terephthalic, non-preaccelerated, non-thixotropic, very good wetting to fiberglass, excellent mechanical properties. It is used in the manufacture of fiberglass pipes, through the filament winding process.


They are unsaturated, orthophthalic, non-preaccelerated and non-thixotropic polyester resins, high viscosity and solids, rapid development of hardness, good mechanical properties. They are recommended for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforced parts (manual or spray molding processes) and for decorative figures, where rapid curing is required.


They are unsaturated, orthophthalic, non-preaccelerated and non-thixotropic polyester resins, high viscosity and solids, rapid development of hardness, good mechanical properties. They are recommended for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforced parts (manual or spray molding processes) and for decorative figures, where rapid curing is required.


They are unsaturated, orthophthalic, non-preaccelerated and non-thixotropic polyester resins, high viscosity and solids, moderate hardness development, good mechanical properties. They are used for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforced parts, where manual or spray molding processes are used.


It is an unsaturated orthophthalic polyester resin, high solids, non-preaccelerated, non-thixotropic, high flexibility, good wetting of mineral fillers and fiberglass. Formulated to manufacture decorative figures, where high flexibility is required in final pieces.


They are unsaturated, orthophthalic, non-preaccelerated and non-thixotropic polyester resins, high viscosity and solids, moderate hardness development, good mechanical properties. They are used for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforced parts, where manual or spray molding processes are used.


They are unsaturated, orthophthalic, non-preaccelerated and non-thixotropic polyester resins, high viscosity and solids, rapid development of hardness, good mechanical properties. They are recommended for the manufacture of fiberglass reinforced parts (manual or spray molding processes) and for decorative figures, where rapid curing is required.


These are General – Purpose Vinyl Ester resins with a medium reactivity, non- promoted and non-thixotropic, with excellent mechanical and chemical properties. Recommended for manufacturing FRP and tanks that require chemical resistance.


These are General – Purpose Vinyl Ester resins with a medium reactivity, non- promoted and non-thixotropic, with excellent mechanical and chemical properties. Recommended for manufacturing FRP and tanks that require chemical resistance.


PMC-3958 is an unpromoted, high viscosity, NPG-Isophthalic unsaturated polyester resin.d.


The PHT-9322 is an unpromoted, high viscosity, isophthalic unsaturated polyester resin.
